Dog Memorials From 2011

Below are links to all the dog memorials written in January, February and March, 2011.

Click here to read the memorials from April, May and June, 2011.

Click here to read the memorials from July, August and September, 2011.

Click here to read the memorials from October, November and December, 2011.

Click here to read the memorials from 2020.

Click here to read the memorials from 2019.

Click here to read the memorials from 2018.

Click here to read the memorials from 2017.

Click here to read the memorials from 2016.

Click here to read the memorials from 2015.

Click here to read the memorials from 2014.

Click here to read the memorials from 2013.

Click here to read the memorials from 2012.

Click here to read the memorials from 2010.

Click here to read the memorials from 2009.

Click here to read the memorials from 2008.

Memorials From January-March

Click below to read the memorials from other dog lovers...

Well, I'm not sure I can find the right words to describe how I feel about my dog so I found a good poem that I love by Jimmy Stewart: "...And there …

My Shaggy Boy 
We only had you six years but you stole my heart the minute I saw you. Shaggy was abandoned. His owner moved to Virginia and left Shaggy behind with a …

Our Beautiful Collie 4/21/2001 to 2/19/2011 
Given to us as a crippled little pup who grew in our hearts as a beautiful and wonderful friend. He heart was larger than any man's and he never complained …

My Little Boy 
A sweet loving boy. I will always keep you in my heart. You meant the world to me. Words can not express the love I have for you. I loved you for 15 years, …

To My Beloved Reggie, the Magnificent Sheltie 
Before I knew about the Rainbow Bridge, I knew a place in my heart where angels with Sheltie faces went. I knew a place where the bark of the sheltie …

Roxy, I miss you!! I have never had a better friend than you, always there for me through good times and bad. You are and will always be my best friend. …

Never in my wildest dreams when I walked into a pet store over 18 years ago and saw you, would I realize that you would be such an important part of my …

Dear Bentley, You were the best dog and friend I could ever ask for. I am truly blessed with too many great memories because of you. You were my buddy …

Oskar Meister Weiner 
It has been almost a year since you left for The Rainbow Bridge, and I still miss you terribly. Thank you for sharing your life with me for 16.75 years. …

Oreo August 1998 - March 19, 2011 
Your legs were no longer strong enough to hold you up and have been replaced with Angel wings. Your struggles are over and you are now free from all the …

Cooties, Our Playful Chihuahua 
Seven months ago my sister's boyfriend gave us a three month old chihuahua that my sister named Cooties. He was really tiny and he was black and brown. …

Tee-Tee Bone You Were the Best 
Our little Tee-Tee went to doggie heaven today. Our hearts are broken and there will never be another one like you.

Lil Micah Gillespie Tryon 
She was just a 6 week old furball at the millennium, a surprise for me from my two favorite people, though they both would be living with and loving her, …

Molly Angel 
Molly I never dreamed how much it would hurt for my baby Molly to die. She was at least 10 years old, but I don't know exactly because I rescued her …

Buddy the Beagle 
We got Buddy in early 1997 after seeing a little beagle running on the beach. We knew then we had to have one. We found a local breeder and took home the …

I don't know what I did to deserve a best friend like you. RIP girl.

Sugar Dog March 12, 2011 
Sugar, we have broken hearts today as I look at you wrapped in a clean white sheet and waiting on your burial. You were such a faithful dog. You were Daddy's …

A sweet loving boy, I will always keep you in my heart. I will miss the way you nudge my leg with your wet nose. The smile you give me when I rub your …

To Champaigne, we took care of each other, girl 
Many times you lose a pet and no one but you truly knows how wonderful he or she was. However, my 5 year old Brindle Boxer girl, Champaigne, was known …

To My Sweet Angel 
There's an empty little corner in my living room, There's an empty little corner in my heart. There's an empty little corner in my whole life- Because …

Lance Cpl. Liam Tasker and Theo, coming home together 
I am writing this memorial not for I, but for a soldier and his faithful companion. I did not know them but their story touched me deeply. The soldier …

Rest In Paradise, Buck.... 
Even though you were only a puppy... I only knew you for 2 months, but I must admit they were easily the best 2 months of my life. You quickly became like …

Didi, the Most Beautiful Dog in the World 
The best dog we can have, his loyalty, friendship, beauty, a very careful dog, our little japanese spaniel (chin) died with only 12 years old, but he changed …

My Darling Holly went to sleep 2 weeks ago. I miss her so much, but I know she is in a better place now. She was 15 years old, deaf, nearly blind and had …

For 15 years you blessed us with your love and companionship. You helped me raise my children to the wonderful adults they now are. You taught them so …

To Sam More Than Just a Dog 
To say that Sam was just a dog would be a total injustice. He was truly amazing. You could not ask or want any more from a dog. He had an amazing soul, …

Bye Bye Buddy! 
Ruger, you meant the the world to me. I find it hard to believe that I had to let go. You were my best friend, security system, companion and child care …

To the sweetest, most gentle soul I have ever known, I'll miss our long walks together, our cuddles during the cold months, your good girl treats, your …

Life With George 
Yesterday, I lost my hairy child, George. I am deeply grieving him and missing his very important presence. We shared our lives for almost 17 years. …

Taylor Grant 
Taylor was my child. I never had children. When I bought Taylor, I felt that finally something belonged to me. My mother and father abandoned me when I …

Bear Bear 
To my Honey Bear, who passed away during a dental procedure this afternoon 7/16/2007-2/28/2011 Little Bear Bear, I loved you so much from the day we …

Tela - A Lullaby the Breezes Whisper 
Tela, you will be missed! My best friend who was always there no matter what, good times and bad, through the thick of it with a wag of your tail or a …

Life With Jackpot 
I did not take you to a vet to kill you, but to try and save you. I wanted you around for many more years. Your paws are indented in my heart, and your …

My Sweet Tazzy 1998 - 2/24/11 
Words cannot express the love I have for you. I have prayed and prayed for you so many times these last few months. You were always so loyal to me, you …

Daisy. R.I.P. Baby Girl 5-1-96--2-23-11 
Daisy, You weren't a dumb old dog like daddy always said. You were a special unique dog. You had something no other dog could ever have. I miss you …

Theodore (Bartholomew) AKA Teddy (1997-2011) 
Today is the day I must say my goodbyes. This is way harder than I thought. You were my first baby, and helped my to "raise" two beautiful little girls. …

My Precious Peaches 
I have loved you for 12 years and now don't know how to live without you.

Scout Boren 1996 - 2009 
Scout was a very joyful creature. He loved to play, jump and wrestle. The thing Scout loved to do most was play fetch. He loved fetch, for some weird reason! …

Maddie: 1998-2011 
Thank your for the sweet kisses and the cuddles you gave me. The happiness you brought was something the world could see. My heart is now broken, but …

I miss having you to welcome me for 12 years as I entered the house. The time I left for 10 days and you sniffed me when I came through the door, then …

Ki-Ki My Baby Girl 
Ki-Ki was my baby since she was 6 weeks old. We found her at the shelter and I knew I had to have her. She was a Shepherd/Husky and was my best friend …

I had Kirby for 17 years. We grew up together. He was my brother and my best friend. He was by my side for everything, except my greatest heartbreak; the …

Today, your time on Earth has ended, but you will remain in our hearts forever. You came to us a beautiful ball of fur and you leave us with so many memories. …

Chubs is in heaven now - 'waving' at God. If heaven is where we are promised eternal happiness, then I can be assured that there is pizza delivery there …

More Than Just a Dog To Me 
My sweet, sweet girl You've left me today Though my eyes are red from crying I couldn't let you stay The cancer changed you quickly From the girl …

Tasha Louise, American Eskimo Dog Extraordinaire 
RIP Tasha (April 4, 1997 to February 5, 2011) On June 21, 1997, I adopted a crazy hyper little white bundle of fur from the pet store, at my then boyfriend's …

My Benny Boy 
My boy was one of the best dogs I ever had! He lived to be 17 years old, but still was a puppy in his heart. Ben was an incredibly gentle, german shepherd …

Dearest Sona, You were with us for the last 11 years and today I am 8000 miles away and it is sad that you had to leave us. May your soul rest in peace, …

Spencer "Spencie boy" 
We miss you so much, buddy. We had you since day one. I keep looking in the backyard, wondering where you were exploring? I miss you so much I'm so sorry …

Miss You Boo 
You were the best Akita ever, patient and gentle with kids and other animals. Mommy misses you!

My Sweet Baby Dixie 
Our sweet baby Dixie, Dixie, you were one of a kind. A very good puppy who understood almost all commands. You were the most beautifullest little girl …

My Indy 
When you left me, you took a chunk of my heart with you. Love you always, my very best friend. x

Sweet Chelsea 
Our dear sweet Chelsea, It has only been one day since we had to let you go. We miss you so much and our hearts ache for you. No one knew how sick you …

Annabelle was the best dog that could have been. She was kind, loving, and the best thing that ever happened to me and my family. I pray that she has …

My Shelby-girl.... 
It's only been 2 days since that hardest day. My heart aches and our home is now just an empty house. I walk in the door, ready to call out, "Where's my …

Sophie, the Best Dog Ever... 
Dear Sophie, You were the best and the very first dog I ever had, and I miss you so much. You got sick because of this disease, you didn't even live …

To Belle 
Belle was a Border Collie mix. She was beautiful and proud and bright and had the deepest eyes. She could catch the trickiest bounce of a ball, though …

Misty Summer Bay 
Misty was the most beautiful dog I have ever met. She was a very elegant Weimaraner who loved her walks, was a picky eater and blessed us with a long life …

One Year on Without My Poppy 
My beautiful Poppy. I cannot believe that it has been 12 months since I knelt on the Vet's floor beside you, telling you how much I love you, as stillness …

Riley, the Black Lab 
I went to the local kennel one day and I found a magnificent Black Lab with the shiniest coat you ever saw. I paid $5.00 for him. We named him Riley. …

Her Name Is Gremlin and She Truly Was One of a Kind! 
Her name is Gremlin. I never know what her life was like before I got her, for you see, she was already about a year old when I adopted her from the local …

Jake was a true friend to his pop. Look at that face, will ya? Now, there is a dog who truly never brought a bad day to anyone.

My Dearest Friend, Gus 
Good bye, my brother, my friend, my son. When we were together we were simple and uncomplicated. Your friendship to me is holy and sacred and I choose …

Sage the Great 
My dog, Sage, has been the best companion I've ever had. She has been with me for 16 years. She was 2 years old when I rescued her from an abusive situation. …

It's only been a day since you have gone and I have managed not to cry today for about 2 hours. The house seems different and bare without you. You …

Ariel, My best Friend 
You passed by two years ago and I can't even think about loving another dog yet. Miss you every day, every moment, every breath. I wish I could have said …

Perry the Most Beautiful Collie Friend in the World 
Perry: I write this in tears. Still, to this very day I cry deeply for your loss. You came into my life at a very needed time, about 6 years ago. …

My Missed Annie 
May 26th, 1997, to January 15th, 2011 Annie, Every night I cry myself to sleep praying that you are okay wherever you may be (I'm crying writing …

Freckles Man 
You were the best thing that ever happened to me. It's so hard to believe that you're gone. I love and miss you so much. I'm sorry I wasn't there to …

Dedicated to Major Thackeray- The apple of my eye 
It's been a couple of days and the pain is sometimes so sharp that I catch my breath. Major was my short-haired Dachshund who died at the age of five. …

Pineywoods' Shur Shot Copper 
Born in July, to us he came in September. A copper colored ball of love, a new family member. Named Copper for his color he was a good and gentle …

To Pepe 
I found him at our neighborhood APL 6 1/2 years ago. He was an older dog already and I initially passed him by in his holding cage to look at a 1 year …

To My Sweet Monique aka QUE-QUE  
You touched my heart more than I could ever imagine. Now your sudden death has left me heart broken. I feel no more kisses from you. I will Love you …

Jenny, My Girl.... 
The hardest decision I ever made was to have you put to sleep. It was not something I expected to do or even thought of when you came into my life 6 years …

Mama Bear 
Dear Mama: I watched you be born and picked you out of the whole bunch. Never knowing you would take my heart. I will never forget how mean you were …

Goodbye Jessie 
My dearest friend Jess, you were my favourite dog. Without you, my life would be horrible. You are my angel and I will always have a place in my heart …

Our Sweet Sadie 
My sweet, sweet girl...we love you so much! Just yesterday you were running and playing, driving me crazy and stealing my spot on the couch every time …

Hope, When I first met you, you gave me a great big kiss, that is what you loved to do, and that is what I'll miss. You were so small and frail, …

Dear Floyd, my child, my partner, my best friend 
I am so consumed by grief I don't know how to begin. How do I start my day without you there, giving me that big goofy smile and doing that little dance …

My Little Princess 
My beloved Princess, I wasn't ready to lose you. You were my loyal and faithful companion. Remained by my side during my darkest hours. Filled my life …

Her Name Is Angel 
I adopted Angel from the humane society. She was abused before I got her. She was skittish and afraid of so many things. We worked around them. She …

Ben, I love you more than I ever have. You were my one and only. I love you.

Dear Frisbee 
Frisbee was born 17 March 1997 and we had to make the difficult decision of putting her to sleep yesterday, 7 January 2011. We had her for almost 14 years. …

He raised his head, thumped his tail to let us know someone had come into the room. No more than that; he rested on his bed exactly as before, chin …

Dodger, I Miss You So Much 
It has been over a month since I said goodbye to my old friend. Every day still, there are tears that I shed. The simple sweet things of my everyday life …

Taylor, Our Beloved Friend 
Taylor, we were blessed to have a friend like you in our lives. You have been the best dog anyone could ever ask for. There will be a huge void in our …

Malik's Memory 
Malik was with us for 13 years. 12 1/2 of those years were pretty good, even though he was diagnosed with diabetes at 12 years of age. He went blind 6 …

The loved one that we lost but will never be forgotten 
He is not gone forever because he will stay by your side in bad times and good. He will always love you. And do not forget him because when you die you …

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