Daisy. R.I.P. Baby Girl 5-1-96--2-23-11

by Elizabeth Pulver
(Jonesboro, AR)


You weren't a dumb old dog like daddy always said. You were a special unique dog. You had something no other dog could ever have. I miss you baby girl so much!

When I was born, you were right there by my side even though you were just a puppy. I remember when you bit my dad because we were play fighting and you thought he was hurting me. You always knew when something was wrong with me. You were always there for me.

I sit in my room looking at the end of the bed and I don't see you here. :.( It breaks my heart how that disease killed you like this. I'd give anything to see you one more time. I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you when you died. I'm so sorry how I pushed you away sometimes or told you to get out of my way. You were everything to me, my true best friend, my sister.

I love you. Don't ever think I hated you! I hate how you aren't here to protect me or keep me safe at night now. I'm going to feel so alone. I already do, sitting here in my room without you here with me. I don't know what im going to do. NO other dog could EVER replace you baby girl.

Please watch over me and help me through my rough times just like you did when you were here. Please be a good girl Daisy. Wait for me okay? Ill see you soon baby girl.

I love you!!

Elizabeth Pulver

Comments for Daisy. R.I.P. Baby Girl 5-1-96--2-23-11

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Always Love
by: Joy

Daisy knows that you loved her. She loved you too. She loves you now. Love never dies. xx

by: Anonymous

I'm so sorry. I know your pain very well. Your dog will be waiting for you. Keep your trust where it belongs and your Daisy will greet you.

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