Dog Quotes, A to Z by Author

There are over 1,200 dog quotes on this site (not including the dog proverbs). You'll find all the quotes from this page, sorted alphabetically by author. Some authors have enough quotes to fill a page, so I created separate pages for them. You'll find links to them below the alphabet listings.

Some of these quotes have anonymous or unknown authors. These each have their own listing, as you'll see below. And some just don't fall under any alphabetical category, so you'll find them under Miscellaneous.

You'll find almost all of them in another category as well. The dog proverbs don't have authors, so they're listed separately.

I hope you enjoy reading these dog quotations. If you need a regular dose of dog thought, consider bookmarking this page.

Anonymous Authors 

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M 


N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U - V | W | X - Y - Z 

Unknown Authors 

Dave Barry | Josh Billings | Erma Bombeck 

Roger Caras | Stanley Coren | Winston Churchill 

Gene Hill 

Abraham Lincoln 

William Shakespeare | John Steinbeck 

Albert Payson Terhune | James Thurber | Mark Twain 

E.B. White | Barbara Woodhouse | Steven Wright

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