Winston Churchill Dog Quotes
For You To Enjoy

Below are six Winston Churchill dog quotes. Churchill was the prime minister of the Britain during World War II. He was the winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1953.

Dogs look up to you. Cats look down on you. Give me a pig. He just looks you in the eye and treats you like an equal.

His name is Rufus II—but the II is silent.

[Talking about his second poodle, which he obtained after the death of the first one, Rufus.]

Oh, what is the matter with poor Puggy-Wug?
Pet him and kiss him and give him a hug.
Run and fetch him a suitable drug.
Wrap him up tenderly all in a rug.
That is the way to cure Puggy-Wug.

[Regarding his young daughter's pug]

The poodle [Rufus] ate in the dining room with the rest of the [Churchill] family. A cloth was laid for him on the Persian carpet beside the head of the household, and no one else ate until the butler had served Rufus's meal. 

One evening at Chequers the film was Oliver Twist. Rufus, as usual, had the best seat in the house, on his master's lap. At the point when Bill Sikes was about to drown his dog to put the police off his track, Churchill covered Rufus's eyes with his hand. He said, "Don't look now, dear. I'll tell you about it afterwards."

The Little Brown Book of Anecdotes, edited by Clifton Fadiman

Our dog chases people on a bike. We've had to take it off him.

The nose of the bulldog has been slanted backwards so that he can breathe without letting go.

Winston Churchill

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