
by Nicole
(South Carolina)

I miss having you to welcome me for 12 years as I entered the house. The time I left for 10 days and you sniffed me when I came through the door, then gently put your paws on my shoulders and looked into my eyes, like asking, where have you been? Hearing your gentle snores at night, I would drift off to sleep. Knowing if I got out of bed, you would come find me and lay down there too.

You traveled up and down the coast, went to the mountains and everyone who met you wanted to know you.

I loved getting down on the floor and scritching your butt until the whites of your eyes showed and you wriggled with joy.

You left such a hole in my heart and an emptiness in the house. All I can do is feel sorrow for my loss. All the great memories are hidden by the pain for now.

See you on the other side, sweet dog. I know you are waiting.

Comments for Maggie

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Your comments touched me so much!
by: Carla Marie Rupp

Writing to others eases my pain of my life with Lucky, my "little girl" doggie, and I share your feelings exactly. I hope we will all meet in the hereafter "dog run," and be happy. Blessings to you, and I sympathize. Carla

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