My Precious Peaches

by Faye Montaine
(Tweed Heads)

My Girl

My Girl

I have loved you for 12 years and now don't know how to live without you.

Comments for My Precious Peaches

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My New Doggie
by: Anonymous

I have a rescue doggie now and promised myself I would not get too close to her. Rubbish. I love her to bits and she's so spoilt and loving. How can I resist.

New Doggie
by: Faye

It's been 12 months now. I wrote a eulogy for her and will never forget her. I now have Mia, my little rescue doggie and am learning to love her too, but it takes time. Thank you for your kind comments.

I Was So Very Sad
by: new doggie named mia

Thank you. I now have a rescue doggie named Mia as I simply can't live alone without a lovely friend. She is an australian terrier. I couldn't bear to get a look alike.

Thank you. xx

Dog Lover
by: Anonymous

Peaches was my whole life. Thanks for your wishes.


To Peaches's Owner
by: Karen

Peaches looked like a pretty sweetheart of a dog. Please accept my sympathy on your loss. It is very hard what you are going through. May God give you strength to help you move on. Peace and Love!

by: Anonymous

I am so sorry for your loss. Peaches looks like a real sweetheart.

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