My Shelby-girl....

by Rhonda
(Muskegon, MI)

Our beloved beach

Our beloved beach

It's only been 2 days since that hardest day. My heart aches and our home is now just an empty house. I walk in the door, ready to call out, "Where's my dog?" and have you come running to me with your tail wagging, eyes sparkling, and then demanding that I "do something" for you... fill your dish, let you out, or open the "magic water fountain."

I am sorry I selfishly made you suffer longer than you needed to. I was hoping and praying that your illness would not win and you would beat it totally, as you seemed to rally a few times in the past month.

I hate that we weren't able to determine what exact illness stole you from us. You fought it so bravely, and I know you hid your pain until you could no more. You were so brave, even trying to comfort me as I cried next to you when you could no longer walk.

You were no push-over, always knowing exactly what you wanted and "wanting it now!" You were the best friend and lover-dog as you would snuggle next to us. Your Dad is missing you as much as I am. He came home crying from running errands yesterday because you were no longer in his rear-view mirror, snuggled in your seat, enjoying "going bye-bye."

When the icebergs melt this spring and your beloved lake "comes back," just like every spring when you would run into the water splashing, so excited that beach walks once again turned from snow and ice to sand and lake, I will take your ashes there so you can forever run on the sand and into the lake, acting and looking like the beautiful puppy everyone thought you were, even when you were 11 years old.

I will forever love you, Shelby-girl.

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On the beach
by: laurie dauer

We were up at Pt. Betsie this past weekend. We lost our Holly on March 14, 2011. I never got to take her up there and as we were walking on the beach I felt so guilty, as I knew she would have just loved it. The Michigan beaches are the best and dogs just love them.

I, too, wanted to spread our other dog, Saydi's, ashes on a beach, but I just can't stand the thought of parting with them. Maybe some day. Just know, your Shelby is running along the beach with all the other dogs who ran there, in and out of that cold Lake Michigan water, but loving every minute of it.

We still have a hard time walking at the special places where we went with Holly. It just doesn't seem fair that they are not by our side. I feel your pain.

2 Months
by: Rhonda (Shelby's Mom)

Thank you to those who have posted their sentiments and support. It's now been 2 months and although the snow has melted, I'm worried I don't have the strength to say good-bye the way I planned.

I have not been able to even think of walking to the beach since you've been gone or even around the neighborhood. Shelby, how can I walk the same paths you and I shared hundreds of times? Even when you were still with us and your Dad and I would go on vacation to some Mexican beach, we'd always feel guilty walking on the beach without a dog.

My heart still aches and is as empty as our home. We dog-sat Sammy for a week and although it was nice to have a dog greet me again at the door when I came home from work, it wasn't the same... it wasn't my Shelby-girl.

I still miss you terribly and think of you every day.

by: Anonymous

I am so sorry for your loss. I can tell that Shelby was well loved and cared for. Your memorial touches my heart, as I too recently had to put a dear friend of 14 years to rest. I believe that our dogs are in heaven right now and we'll get to see them someday. Take care and know that your dog loved you so much and you gave her a great gift by loving her so much!

Your Shelby
by: Sophie's Mom

So very sorry for your loss of a beloved friend. I too lost my best friend of 14 years, last September. It does seem to hurt a bit less with time, but there will be days that are harder than others.

You loved her and were there for her. Shelby is surely in doggie heaven running on a sandy beach, maybe with my Sophie girl. Hang in there.

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