Vegas- A young gentleman

by Amanda

My dog Vegas died tragically a little over two weeks ago. I watched as he got swept into a current and disappeared on what was supposed to be a fun summer outing.

See, I had been hit by a car while riding my bike earlier in the summer. Vegas was with me and was unharmed, but I had been severely injured. Most of the summer I had to beg friends to come take him on a quick stroll around the block, but he rarely got quality time outside because I couldn't walk.

As I healed, a friend suggested she could pick me up and we could take our dogs wherever I wanted for them to play. I was thrilled and decided on a creek that Vegas and I had fun swimming at before.

It had rained a lot over the weekend and the creek was swollen. I should have realized it was too strong but didn't. He swam and had a blast for about 45 minutes when he suddenly started swimming out farther then he had. I was proud to see him take the initiative without even throwing a stick.

I had assumed if he got into trouble I could jump out and get him, not thinking he would ever just disappear like he did. The water was muddy and I couldn't find him. His body was found a day and a half later. I am heartbroken.

Mr. Vegas man, v-ster, v-man, pants was only 4 and had survived a heart surgery, a pit bull attack, and getting hit by a car, and was only a 15 pound Boston terrier.

The guilt is overwhelming, I can barely sleep or eat or think. I know Vegas would be licking the tears off my face. I feel like I let him down.

I hope one day to not feel so wrecked and to appreciate the time I had with this adorable (cutest ever), sweet, and loving dog.

Comments for Vegas- A young gentleman

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by: Anonymous

He died August 3rd. I'm still upset so I can't answer when it gets better but I am not as devastated as I was. For the first few weeks I couldn't even go home. I still picture nightly how he died and it's awful, but the guilt has lessened some.

I know my intentions were for him to get out and do something he loved and no more so I have mostly stopped beating myself up over it, though I sincerely wish I could un-do what happened. I have his ashes and am going to release them sometime soon or in the spring at a place where we used to run.

I have adopted a dog from the shelter who is helping the healing. I see it as a tribute to Vegas and how much he meant. I couldn't stand being without a dog because he made such a good impression.

Best of luck, it's truly a challenge but it does get easier when the shock starts to fade.

I'm sorry
by: Anonymous

I'm so sorry to hear your story. I feel your pain.
I know how you're feeling.

My best friend, Marlee, died tragically from a snake bite (we're assuming) 3 weeks ago tomorrow. I feel so awful that I couldn't save her. No one could. She died alone on the verandah - I think she was looking for me to help her as she was found outside my bedroom window.

I didn't even know she'd died until later that evening. My brothers found her... dead, but still warm. She was only 10 months old. I didn't even get to say goodbye. My dad buried her that afternoon and I didn't get home until the next day. I was about to take her to my new house the following week, 3 hours away. (I was forced to move away as there was no work in my home town so mum and dad were looking after her until i found somewhere to live, but i'd been staying with my nan for the past 6 weeks for work during the week and going home on weekends to see her).

I mention fate because you say your dog survived that terrible bike accident with you. My dog was saved by my other old family dog a few months ago from a snake. It got my old dog instead and he died (that was also so sad and makes this situation all the more worse, but I could let go of him as I was there for him when he passed and I could tell he knew that).

I think Marlee tempted fate that day and it caught up with her 3 weeks ago. Your mate obviously didn't temp fate, but it seems it was his time. He survived the bike accident and so many other things!! But wasn't so lucky next time.

Life is so incrediby unfair isn't it?!

I feel so hurt and angry and simply heart broken, but I think I feel guilt more than anything... that I let her down.

I don't know when this happened for you, there is no date on the post, but, how do you cope? Does there come a time, has there come a time when you can smile and laugh about the good times and not think about the way it ended?

Again, I am so sorry.

I am sorry
by: Lisa

My dear friend, do not allow the guilt to take control of your life. Celebrate what Vegas gave you and all the wonderful memories. Vegas is in Heaven enjoying his new life up there. Find a way that you can honor him....possibly plant a tree and place a plaque by it. It will not only honor him, but help the earth. I will be thinking of you.


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