To Rosco

by Helen Willis
(Newcastle, NSW, Australia)

My beautiful boy Rosco

My beautiful boy Rosco

To my dearest boy Rosco, we lost you on Friday 24th February 2012 at 1.15 pm.

You were the most wonderful dog. A beautiful, big, golden cocker spaniel.

We had the great pleasure of loving you for 14 years.

You were such an important part of our family, always there to greet us when we came home, sitting on our knee, thinking you were a lapdog, loving water and jumping in your water bowl, always being hungry.

You had only been sick for a short time with a bad cough, which I think weakened your heart. The vet had trouble hearing your heart only a week ago.

I stayed home with you on Friday, seeing as you were so sick. I sat with you and rubbed your beautiful head.

You were lying in your favourite spot in the kitchen looking out the back door. You looked up at me in the kitchen before I went to sit in the chair and when I turned around after 10 minutes you had gone.

It was so peaceful at the end, and I am so glad you were at home with me when it happened, and not at the vet. You just went to sleep.

My heart is breaking for you.

The house feels so empty without you in it.

We have buried you at home so you will always be with us.

Rest in peace, my beautiful boy. I will miss you forever.

We will be reunited in heaven. Till then, all my love.

Mummy, Daddy, Robert and Lachlan

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