To My Little Bud, Bentley

by Ian J.

Somewhere over the rainbow

Somewhere over the rainbow

The first day I ever met you was such a magical day. I walked into my sister's room to see a small, white furball running around, begging for snacks. From that day on, you changed our lives forever.

I will always remember the amazing times you and I had together, from hanging out with my friends to just sleeping in all day and playing with your toys.

This last year was a lot different with your decline in health, but you fought through to the very end.

I will always miss your little barks and all the Bentley scratches. You brought joy to every person you came in contact with, even if you were scared of them.

You lived your best life for fifteen and a half years. Thank you for all the love over the years, and the beautiful companionship you brought to our life. I will forever love and miss you, Bentley boy.

Fly high, little bud.


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