To Allie

by Melissa
(Providence )


You gave me life. You had a spirit about you, that no matter what my day brought, you were always there with your bad breath and tennis ball to put that smile back on my face.

You were the center of my world. Life was put on hold for you, without question.

You taught me the meaning of unconditional love, you gave me faith and hope with the wag or your tail. The best years of my life were the ones with you by my side always.

I will miss you and carry you in my heart forever.

"Like many other much-loved humans, they believed that they owned their dogs, instead of realizing that their dogs owned them."

Dodie Smith, 101 Dalmatians

Comments for To Allie

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by: Erica

Where do I begin? Our rocky beginning led me to believe we would remain tolerant of each other. As time passed I not only grew to love you, I grew to look at you as a family member. I cooked for you, cleaned for you, showered you with affection...all out of love. Not because I felt I had to do these things (really who NEEDS to cook for a dog?) but because I wanted to.

I now miss you laying near me when I am ill. I miss you grunting when, well, whenever you please. I have nobody to play tennis with anymore (your mother loved that I taught you that game). You will forever be missed and adored.

I Love You!

Best Friends
by: michelle

Special cannot even describe Allie. She was brought here to brighten up this world...she left rainbows wherever she went. I can still hear her name being called as she ran down the street, but see a smile as she put her head upon your lap. She will be so missed. She can never be replaced and will never be forgotten.

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