To Aisha

The first day I saw you beside your mother, I knew I could never take the place of your canine mother, but I promised her I would be the best human mother a puppy could have.

Instead, you nurtured and loved me like no other being, canine or human, could.

Thank you for being in my life from November 6, 1999 to April 27, 2012. I'm told you lived a very long life for a Saint Bernard, but even though those words do console, I miss you, Aisha.

God, please take care of my little girl, and remind her she is a good girl.

Comments for To Aisha

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by: Anonymous

We miss you. We can't believe you are not with us. We keep looking in the backyard for you.

Aisha, you were a beautiful Saint Bernard. No one can take your place.

Simba misses you badly.

Sorry About Your Loss
by: Anonymous

I'm so sorry for your loss. I just lost my Beagle this week as well. I'm sure they are enjoying each other's company at the Rainbow Bridge!

Rest in Peace
by: Anonymous


I know heaven is lush and green, and I know God has a patch of mulch for you to sit in the middle of as much as you would like.

I love you and miss you.

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