Taco Bell -The Chihuahua

by Tina

Taco's paws

Taco's paws

To my Swweet Taco Bell. I rescued you when you were 1.5 years old from people who didn't love you or want you because they were stuck with you. No one bought you because you weren't the best example of your breed. I didn't care.

You were scared of people. You wouldn't even come to me when they left you in a hot camper all day with no water or food. I would have taken you then but when I tried to bribe you with lunchmeat you ran from me, even though you were skin and bones. You were the cutest little thing.

When they called me to say they were heading to the dog pound and if I wanted you to get right there, I ran. They didn't know or care what a sweet and loving soul you were.

You were there for me through the toughest time of my life, and when I felt I was alone, you loved me no matter what. If it wasn't for my sweet Taco, I would have been lost.

I miss you so much. It's been a year since your heart gave out. I have another puppy, "Biskit." He didn't replace you. He is just another part of our family, like you.

Taco left paw prints on my heart... I had them memorialized so I would never be without him.

Comments for Taco Bell -The Chihuahua

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Always in Our Hearts
by: pugsly's mom

Your love for Taco is evident. May the knowledge that you gave him the love a little dog deserves be of some comfort to you. What a sad life before he met you. He waits with the angels for you.

For the Love of Taco Bell
by: Joy

What a dear little soul Taco Bell was. Thank you for your words. xx

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