Striker, My Beautiful Boy and Protector

by Delaine Friesen
(Mission, British Columbia)

I only had Striker for 7 short months. He came into my life as a thin sick stray. I already had 2 other dogs but there was something special about this boy that made me want to keep him. With a visit to our vet and good food, he became a healthy beautiful german shepherd.

People that know this breed know that they are loyal, protective dogs. My boy Striker was no exception. He soon became very attached to me, and I know that he would have given his life for me in a heartbeat.The problem was he became possessive of me. He started to bite my husband and kids if they got too close to me. We had him for 4 months when he started biting people.

I took him to a trainer to get help for him he was having separation anxiety issues as well. The trainer told me that he was probably abused and thrown away.I could see the pain in Striker's eyes from a life of hell. It broke my heart.

I worked with Striker and the trainer for 3 months, hoping things would improve. They only got worse.The last straw was when I was on the couch with my other dog, Sweetheart, and Striker went ballistic and attacked her. She was okay but I knew Striker was no longer a safe dog. His undying love for me would now cost him his life.

I called my vet and we agreed the kindest thing would be to put him to sleep. Striker died in my arms that weekend, loyal to the end.

I am so angry at the idiots who wounded him so deeply. He had to pay the ultimate price for their stupidity. I hope they burn in hell.

My Striker, my boy, only became mean because he had finally found love and he held on to me with everything he had.

Mommy misses you, my Striker, my boy.

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