Sasha, My Most Beautiful Darling

by Jamie Smith
(Hampshire UK)

A couple of days ago, my beautiful darling Sasha had a seizure and couldn't get up again. She was trying to but couldn't. She looked so very very scared because she didn't know what was going on.

I put a blanket over her and kept calming her down and comforting her when she tried to get up. I kissed her and stroked her head and kept telling her that she was a good girl and that she was loved and that everything was going to be ok because I was there with her. She understood and eventually she just lay there and wasn't struggling any more.

We lay there for nearly an hour like that until the vet came. She had her head on my arm, with my arm around her. She knew she was loved. It was all very calm, quiet and dignified in the end. I was holding her head and I felt her last breath and felt her head get heavy in my arms.

I kissed her as she went and blew warm air onto her fur and told her that I loved her, so very very much. I was crying so hard. It was heartbreaking but I'm glad I was there with her, to support her when the end came.

Rest in peace, gorgeous. X

Comments for Sasha, My Most Beautiful Darling

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Sasha, My Baby Boy
by: Anonymous

My baby died last night when he was asleep, by a heart attack. I did not know, and he did not know, and we didn't say goodbye.

He was so happy yesterday, no signs or feelings that something would happen.

He was my best friend.

Now I have no friend.

He came in like a storm in my family and he is gone the same way.

by: Anonymous

Your story reminds me of my puppy Dixie. As she was so much in pain, I held her and gave her a kiss and told her no matter what, I would always love her. While she gave me a last look and took her last breath, she left me. :(

Dog Grieving
by: daisy

OMG That's so sad to hear. I didn't know her but she seemed sweet. I'm sorry for your loss.

R.I.P Sasha

I'm So Sorry for Your Loss
by: Laurie

My goodness, reading your story really brought back memories of my Holly. I am so sorry you had to say goodbye so quickly.

Holly died in my arms on March 14th. We only knew she was sick for 2 days.

It's so hard to say goodbye. Today marks 6 years since we brought her home. I fell in love with her the minute I saw her.

Please remember that Sasha loved you probably more than you loved her. She was a beautiful dog and she will forever be in your heart.

I'm sorry for your loss. She's waiting for you on Rainbow Bridge and you will see her again some day.

Your love with always be with one another
by: Anonymous

I am so sorry for your loss. I too was with my Beau when he took his last breath. My son and I were with him at the vets, as he lay on his blankets with our touch, our loving words and our kisses showering him until the end. I told him it was ok to let go, because I didn't want him to suffer. I told him how much he was loved and would be forever.

Today is 7 months exactly since the day he left us, but there isn't a day or minute that goes by, that I don't miss him.

My heart hurts for you at your recent loss. Know that you didn't let Sasha suffer, and that she knew how much she was loved.

I hope time brings you the peace to remember her with a smile and all the good times you shared together. She will be with you forever... until you meet again.


by: debbie

I'm so very sorry for your loss. I too was there when we let Rocky go. I never let go of him the whole time. I cried all the way home, and my family cried when I told them.

I had some comfort being with him his last moments. He knew we were there. it was so hard leaving him, with only his collar in my hands. just as your Sasha knew you were there, she knew that she was loved.

They will always be in our thoughts and hearts, and wait for us to be together once again.

Take care. I hope time will ease your grief, and her memory will bring a smile.

Memories of Sasha
by: Sharon

I am so sorry for the loss of your friend and loving companion Sasha. I lost my Carley back in May.

They are such loving creatures. They never judge, and all they want to do is please.

I am so glad you were with her in the end. I feel it is the last kindness we can give them. They have been our friends for so many years.

I still cry about her every day, but I know someday I will look back and see the funny things she did and laugh. Also in my heart I know I will meet her at Heaven's gate.

I am getting a new puppy in the spring and I am sure Carley Girl would approve. She just wanted me to be happy. I am sure you will also meet Sasha again someday.

Take Care.

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