RIP Luna

Luna was put to sleep 01/28/2012 because of DM. She started to struggle so hard to get up on her own and stay standing. So, the most difficult decision was made.

Not a moment has gone by since that I have not thought about her and the life we shared together. She was only 9 years old. Every decision I've made for the past 9 years had a consideration of Luna in it. She was my world. She was my best friend.

Now she is gone. I feel like my world is gone. I miss her so much I cannot stop crying.

Comments for RIP Luna

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I Wish Great Peace for Luna
by: Anonymous

I wish that God would alow us to meet once again in heaven. We will stay permanently. I wish great peace for Luna and also for you.

Our Christmas Gift
by: Tvinge@telusplanet. Net

I feel your pain. We had to put our 19 year old bichon to sleep in May of 2012. She was such a good girl. We loved her so much.

The strangest thing happened to us this last Christmas. We were in my home town at the veterinary clinic, picking up some dog food for our other little dog. I saw a posting on the wall from the Humane Society. There was a small dog called Chip.

We went to the Humane Society and we adopted this little dog that had been so abused. We call him Chip Man or Mom's Little Man. He is a Lhasa Apso.

We can never replace our little Ruffles, but we were able to help a little dog that needed our love so much. I am sure that Ruffles is very happy at this moment.

Stay strong and cherish your memories, and in honor of your loss, consider helping another little four legged soul.

Please Don't Cry
by: Yum

I am so sorry about you missing your best friend. There is nothing like having a best friend and losing one.

I had to euthanize my Max 10 days ago. He was old 13 and 3/4 and suffering with aggressive type lymphoma or lymphocyte leukemia. He only survived just 10 days after the diagnosis.
But we suffered together. I stayed with him day and night.

I always wonder if it was enough. And I also cry everyday.

You made a good decision always. She is there with you.

Luna and Max do not want us to suffer. They don't want us to cry.

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