One Year Later

by Emery

My Lucie girl when healthy and well

My Lucie girl when healthy and well

Today is one year since you left this world. I laid with you on the floor for the last day of your life, never leaving your side for more than a few minutes. The feeling of losing you is still too hard for me to bear.

Thank you, my Lucie girl, for taking such good care of me during my childhood. Thank you for being my best friend and sleeping in my bed every night. You will never know just how much I miss you in the evenings when I lay in bed alone, wishing to hear your loud snores for at least one more night. I hope and pray that wherever you are now you are safe, warm and happy. I hope that you never feel alone. I hope that you are surrounded by enough love to hold you over until I can join you.

No matter how much time passes please, please know that I will never forget you. You are always in my thoughts and in my heart. You died when you were supposed to, I know that well and clear. I'm so glad you lived a full, healthy life and could pass away when I was near.

I'm glad you left us before our family fell apart. I'm glad you never had to deal with this divorce. You deserved to live and die in a whole and loving family. I will be graduating college this spring, and looking back on my childhood and growing up, you were the best thing that could have happened to me. Thank you for your years of unconditional love.

I hope so strongly that you're okay wherever you're at. I hope that you are warm and I hope that you are safe. I hope that you are happy and will always stay that way.

I love you Lucie. That will never change.

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