Nacho, Forever in My Heart!

by Biggs
(South Africa)



My darling Nacho was truly my best friend. He not only protected me, he also made me laugh. He just knew how to make me feel like a wonderful person.

When Nacho was 8 years old, he was diagnosed with bone cancer. He underwent 6 months of chemotherapy and came out strong as an ox. Then, nearly 2 years later, another dreaded disease showed its ugly face in my boy's life... muscle atrophy.

He was such a fighter, our vet has never seen anything like it. I nursed my pup day and night, but when the pain got too much and I could see Nacho slowly slipping away, I had to do the hardest thing and let him go.

On 17 April 2012, Nacho, a beautiful "Boerboel," otherwise known as a South African Mastiff, crossed the Rainbow Bridge...

We miss him terribly, but we thank him for 10 wonderful years. We are the lucky ones to have had him in our lives! Nacho's memory will live in our hearts until the day we meet him at the Rainbow Bridge.

We love you big boy,

Biggs, Wolf and Gina

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Beautiful Babe!
by: supersal

That is so lovely, Biggs. Your boy would be so proud of you. You are handling it well, don't doubt that you're not.

JD and Nacho are our guardians now, watching over us and still forever keeping us safe. :D

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