My Sweet Harley Girl

by Hailey

Not a day goes by without me thinking about you. I miss you with my entire being. I sit here with an empty void in my heart.

Tomorrow is your birthday and I can't help but think about you. I'm sorry I couldn't save you or tell you that I love you one last time. I live with guilt knowing I couldn't hug you before you passed away. I'm so sorry it ended like this.

It pains me every day to live without you. Everything I do reminds me of you. I look at my back seat and wish you were sitting there. During these warmer days, I think about how much you would enjoy the park or how you would bite the hose every time I would water the trees. Your bowl still sits there.

Your kisses are embedded in my soul. The times when you would run the fence line, putting sand everywhere. I would never change it. I will always cherish our moments and how much you have made me happy. I hope I did the same for you.

Rest easy, my beautiful Harley Bug. I love you forever.

Comments for My Sweet Harley Girl

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by: Robin M

I loved what you wrote about or to your Harley. It teared me up a bit. She was truly a lovely baby. I feel the both of you were and are still blessed to have had each other.

I do not want to make this about me for this is your memorial. My sweet boy Ruckus got his wings April 21 2020. He was 14 years old. He was willing but the body was not.

Take care and just remind yourself they are always with us.


R.I.P. Harley Girl
by: Vesna

I'm so very sorry for your loss, your precious Harley Girl. I know it's difficult.

I lost my Sweet Angel Bella in 2019 to cancer. She was only 6. I still miss her so very much today.

I know you live with the pain every day. I understand. I hope you'll be happy that out of all the people in the world, your sweet Harley was your very own to love and cherish.

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