My Sophie girl...

by Alexis

Sophie girl

Sophie girl

I lost my baby girl of almost 16 years tonight. She was the sweetest thing in the world.

She was a big dog for being half Poodle and half Cocker Spaniel. I got her when I was seven years old. I threw a fit and just had to have her. I went and looked at her every day with my grandma and one day I went to see her and she wasn't there. I was devastated. When I came home she was sitting on our couch!

I have loved her every day since. I had chosen her name to be Annie but when she was finally home that didn't go well with my little sister's name being Dani. My mother picked her name to be Sophie and the name stuck.

She has seen me through a college graduation and so many more memories. I can't believe this is just my first night without her. It was so hard walking in the house today and her not being there to greet me at the door like normal. I will miss her more than words could ever express. My other dog is already acting very strange without her here.

I hope Sophie knows when we do get our new Golden Retriever puppy (as we had been planning before her unexpected death) that this new puppy will never replace her. I honestly cannot believe she will not be sleeping right here next to me. I know she is peaceful now. I am glad her suffering is over.

"All dogs go to heaven because, unlike people, dogs are naturally good, loyal and kind."

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