My Little Chico Boy

by Ursula

You were so little when we collected you. And you had only 7 months to live here on earth.

But I hope that we have given you a special time here on earth in your Doggylife.

We love you so much, and we miss you soo much. You are always in our hearts, and you are always with us wherever we go.

Your happy, joyful spirit, your playful nature, your sweet character will be missed very much.

I hope we can see you one day again.

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I Miss Chico So Much
by: Ken Smith

My Chico honey was 15 years old. He was never sick a day in his life until November 14, 2019. He had a massive stroke and all his organs failed.

He was such a shy, sweet little chihuahua. My Chico honey was a blessing in my life. My other chi, Mack, still grieves for him, as do I.

I pray we will also be together again one day. My heart will not heal. There is a whole in my ❤. Please, God, take care of my sweet boy.

I will look for him when I get to heaven. It will not be heaven unless my Chico honey is waiting for me.

Outlived and missed so much by his dad and brother.

My Little Chico Boyz
by: Wilma (Mitzi)

I miss my little Chico so much. He was 20 years old and passed on September 22, 2018.

I loved my little Chico so much. I still shed many tears over him. He was so much company to me.

I will never stop thinking of you Chico Boyz. Rest in peace, my dear little dog.

I think of you so often.


I Miss My Chico
by: Mary

I, too, miss my little Chico. He was approximately 18 years, a less-than-five-pound Chihuahua male, the gentlest spirit ever, for a Chi.

He was best buddies with my other chi, Tiger, till Tiger passed away about seven years ago from old age. Chico lived so long with a heart murmur.

I found him in a parking lot about 17 years ago, with pinch marks on his ribs and a bump on his skull. He was so scared, but he allowed me to take care of him. It took a year and a half to gain his confidence.

He snored. Sable was so excited when she met him, even though he was an older guy. She pranced, sniffed, and wagged. She was thrilled to see "He's a male and I really like him!" (Sable is a long haired female chi who belongs to a good friend.)

Chico loved Merrick's Turducken. His nickname was "Mouse." He used to prance like a pixie, run faster than me, lick ears and arm pits with sweet Tiger boy, but mostly slept recently.

He lived to see our new home in a house and spent almost two of his last years here, wrapped in his very own baby blanket.

I hope somehow that he is now with his best buddy, Tiger, in paradise, chasing rainbows.

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