My Little Angel - Rhino

by Trish
(Richmond, BC, Canada)

Rhino's Personality Always Shines

Rhino's Personality Always Shines

Rhino will aways be my little angel.

I had her for close to twelve years and they were wonderful years that are worth more than gold and jewels.

I rescued her at six months and she rescued me for the rest of her life.

She will always be with me.

Sleep peacefully my baby, and may you always have a car window to stick your head out of and enjoy the breeze.

I love you. Mommy.

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I'm Sorry to Hear Rhino Has Moved On
by: Pickle

Hi Trish,

I'm sorry to discover Rhino's passing. It's been 20 years since we spoke, or since I've seen Rhino. I really enjoyed her excitement whenever I'd see her. She was a special treat of pure energy and love. What a wonderful personality. So friendly.

I hope you're well. I've often thought about you, especially with the drama brought to the table as a result of my mistake. I've always wanted to apologize, it was unintentional, I just didn't know how. A mistake on my part for not deleting a message on a system we communicated (pre cellphone era) while our mutual friend was back east. I was looking forward to lunch.

If you're up for it, I'd love to take you for that lunch and apologize in person. If not, I understand.

Rhino brought joy during a difficult period of my life. I remember her like it was yesterday.

All the very best. I hope happiness has been rich in your life.

myepictale at

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