My Lilly

by Annie
(Mount Horeb WI USA)

Dear Lilly,

It's been almost 4 years since I had to let you go, and I still miss you so. There is such a void in my heart that only time can heal. I am filled with such guilt and sorrow that I didn't let you go sooner. In reflecting back, I realize now how selfish I was of wanting so desperately for you to stay.

You were my loyal friend who was always by my side, and filled with such spirit and life. I believe you didn't realize you were ill until that last day.

Please forgive me, angel, and thank you for so many happy memories that can never be forgotten. It warms my heart knowing that I will see you again some day when my time on earth is done. I will meet you in that very special place on rainbow bridge. I love you so.......

Your mom and friend,

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