My Jenny Sky

by Vanessa Thrift
(Taylorsville, NC, USA)

Jenny was an amazing dog. When I first saw her, I was at a horse sale. I had just recently laid my dog Lady to rest right by my window.

Jenny was small and had a stiff back leg and was covered in fleas. She was the runt and curled up in the corner of the crate covered by the other pups. I shouted "That's the one I want." My grandpa thought it would be better to get a healthier looking one but my heart was set on her. From that day on she held a special place in my heart.

Jenny grew up on a farm where she had some great times. I taught her how to act like she was getting mugged. I would point my hand to her like a gun and she would put her front paws high in the air. I got the idea from Toy Story 2.

Jenny also sat down differently than other dogs. She would sit like a bear, it was the cutest thing.

Jenny also went through some rough times. She was attacked by a dog that ripped her throat open, and she couldn't have her puppies one time. She lived through it all.

She really loved my grandpa. If he was going to the barn or got in from work, she would be right at his feet. She would still love you no matter what you had done or said.

On November 4th, 2010 I woke up and walked into the living room My grandma said "Vanessa, we need to talk." I thought "Oh no, I'm in trouble," but i wasn't ready for it. Jenny had been hit by a car.

I didn't understand that she had been through all that and dies by a car, and she never went down to the road unless someone was down there or a strange animal was. Our other dog just laid where Jenny used to and she would walk down to the area where she died and just lay on the side of the road. She was grieving.

I wasn't taking it so well either, I wasn't showing tears, but they were pouring on the inside. She was my Beautiful Blue Heeler, my Jenny Sky.

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Miss Her
by: Anonymous

I miss her too, Ness.

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