My Henry

by Karen
(Boerne TX USA)

This is so hard since you haven't been gone long at all. I had to find a place so others could know how wonderful you were.

That first time I saw you, a little ball of fur, I fell hopelessly in love with you. You were my day and night. You were so easy to train to potty outside.

I will always remember the little sneezes you let out to wake me in the mornings. Not too loud, just enough so I woke up.

If you had a little accident and got some poo on you, you would wait so patiently as i cleaned you.

When you were so tiny, a moth got on your hair at your tail and scared you silly. Since then you have been afraid of bugs or the buzzing. We would just laugh but I know it wasn't funny to you.

I'm so glad you got to sleep beside me each night. You protected me even if it was from Carey coming in to give me a kiss goodnight.

You always knew when I was going out of town. Most times you went with me but the times you didn't, you were so sad as was I.

I want you back so bad. Your leaving was too sudden. I hate cancer. I had no idea until it was too late to help you so I helped the only way I knew. That was to let you go.

I hope you are peaceful and playing with Sage. I will see you again some day!! I love you so much. Thank you for being my best friend.

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