My Dog Jo-Jo

by Miffany
(Canberra Australia)

My dog Jo-Jo died yesterday 19 March 2012. Jo-Jo was twelve years old. I have had him since he was a tiny puppy. Jo-Jo seemed quite well. His death was very sudden, and I am still left wondering what happened to him.

He was the most loyal dog that would follow me everywhere and adored me to pieces. Jo-Jo would wait outside the shower for me to finish and wait outside the toilet door. He would sit at my feet while I was on the computer or sit next to me on the lounge. Jo-Jo was not allowed on my bed unless I was sick and needed the company. He always knew when I was sick and climbed on the bed.

Jo-Jo was a quiet and peaceful dog that just liked to be cuddled. I always said he was more like a cat. He only liked certain people, got cranky and gave me the cold shoulder, hated water, licked his paws and sometimes made a sound like a cat.

Jo-Jo was very stubborn too. If he didn't want to do something, he wouldn't do it. no matter how much I tried to teach him. He was smart and didn't do tricks not, because he couldn't do them. It was because he didnt want to.

He loved to snuggle into me. He loved me unconditionially. I miss him so much and wish I had a proper chance to say goodbye.

Rest in peace, Jo-Jo. I hope that you are getting to do your favourite things.

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My Dog Jojo
by: Anonymous

I have a dog named Jojo. She is a beagle. It sounds like your Jo-Jo and my Jojo had a lot in common. I'm sorry for your loss.

by: Joy, UK

Dearest Jo-Jo sounded like a lovely companion. Bless you both. xx

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