My best friend I can't get over that it's been 8 months

by Jodi
(Follansbee WV)

His name was Kacey. He was shutting down because he was on steroids for so many years. Because he had allergies with everything in life. He was 11 years old. I spent every dollar on him.

I took him to the vet because he started bleeding out from his rear. Then he quit eating, then drinking water. They called me up there and said he was lethargic and his breathing was getting bad. "Do you want us to revive him?" I said no. They tried everything to see what was wrong. They said he was shutting down.

He made it through the night so I went in to pick him up because I promised him I would never let him suffer. I held him in my arms to the very end. Telling him mommie loves him till it was done.

I feel like I killed my dog. Even though they said it was time. I can't get over that moment.

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Don't blame yourself...
by: Gerard

It was better then the alternative, I can assure you of that. What were you to do?

Your dog would have suffered pain, discomfort and humiliation as he deteriorated and lost control of bodily functions, etc.
You would not only have had the discomfort of knowing you were delaying the inevitable, you would remember your dog in a worse state than he was in before you called it quits.

Also, he could have passed away at another time when you were not or could not have been there to comfort him.
He would have wanted to pass away with at least some dignity, not alone with a bunch of strangers in a strange place.

I wish I could have been there in my dog's final hours to hold him, to make peace with him.

Don't blame yourself, bitterness and regret are NOT what Kacey taught you. They are unfortunately very human traits.

It's OK
by: Kim

I am so sorry. I just lost my dog last Friday a.m. and I feel it's my fault. I let go of his leash and he ran and got hit. I am sick to my stomach and not sure how I will ever recover. I have another dog, Bella, and I have to be strong for her. My heart is aching.

You fought really hard to save your best friend. I am praying for you and would love to keep talking. Let me know if you want to exchange emails.

You did the right thing for your friend.
by: LoriAnne

I wanted to write and let you know that. Many of us have had to make the heart-rending decision about our canine or even feline or equine friends. Please take the energy you have right now and find yourself a pup -- or better, open your heart and let them find you.

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