My Best Dog Years Ever

by Abby Nicole Flint
(Kettering OH)

I loved my dog so much the first time I saw her. She was a black and white beagle with one blue eye and one brown. I had her since 2004 and had lost her in 2009. She stayed with a guy named Jim.

She had to go somewhere and I don't know where. I hope to see her. She has a nice home but I want her with me. She did not die. She was the best dog in the world. One day my mom got he, and she was my dog. She was the family dog but I took care of her. I was her mom, she loved me and I loved her.

I wish I still had her. We were great friends. We played in the leaves and we both love the fall. If I was sad, she cheered me up. She knew if I was hurt or happy.

I love you, Maggie, wherever you are. I hope you will find me and my cat Coco. You two loved each other. I feel like crying right now and wish you could heal my broken heart. People might think I'm crazy but I'm not. I don't care what you say. I don't even get one of your puppies.

I love you, Maggie


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