My Best Boy Humphrey Nov. 2001 - May 2012

by JoEllen Murphy
(West Seneca, NY)

It's been three weeks since you left us, and my heart still hurts so much. I still see the big goofy puppy, wagging his tail that July day almost 10 years ago. You were supposed to be Ethan's dog, but you loved us all.

They told us at the SPCA that you were a great dog for boys, and truer words were never spoken. You loved running and playing with all the boys - and girls - who came to this house. But I was lucky to be your "Mom." You greeted me at the door every day.

As the years went by and your "boys" started growing up, you were my faithful pal. I still think I'll see you when I walk in the door. When I open the cupboard with the peanut butter inside, I wait for you to come running.

The day you got so sick, we never left your side. The vet tried to give you medicine to help you feel better till your buddy Ethan could get home from college. We got him here and we all spent what we knew would be our last night with you.

Nick and Ethan carried you in from the backyard you loved so much. As sick as you were, when Ethan laid down next to you to spend the night with you, you followed me up the stairs, just like so many other nights.

I fell asleep and woke up to silence. You were gone. I am so sorry you took your last breath while we slept. So sorry, Humphrey. We were so sad, thinking we would be taking you to be put to sleep in the morning, but you never made it.

People tell me you came upstairs to say goodbye and curled up in one of your favorite spots to sleep forever. I really really hope that's true.

When we found out you had Cushings disease last fall, the vet said the medicine we gave you should make you good as new. For over 4 months you were doing great, and I am so, so grateful for those extra months.

You were my first and only dog, and I told you every day that you were my best boy! I'm still glad we brought you back home that last day, but I'm sorry if you suffered at all just so we could hold onto you a little longer.

Everyone in the neighborhood asks us what happened. You had so many friends. But you were my best buddy. Dad and Nick and Ethan buried you in the yard you loved so much. To see my big boys sobbing and crying when they carried you outside broke my heart almost as much as missing you.

You will be in my heart forever, my big guy. I'll love you forever, Humphrey. <3 <3 <3

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