My Beloved Whiskey

by Sally
(Hampshire , England)

My darling Yorkie was my life. I have a wonderful mum and 2 sons but this little dog was my baby.

I got you at 6 weeks old, along with your twin Brandy, who he had to go to pet heaven when only 6 years old. We had you for another 6 years nearly.

Whiskey, that day we had to say goodbye to you haunts me. You always picked a weekend or bank holiday, just to make sure the vets were working....:) but this year, the August bank holiday was one of the worst days of my life. You did have heart problems and were getting so tired, but the shock when the vet said it was time for you to go was terrible. I saw the look in your eyes. You had had enough and wanted to rest, so I had to let you go.

Whisk, I love you more and more and have so many photos and videos of you, and now it's Christmas and it's horrible without you. You loved the lights, crackers, etc., and presents of course, but I know you had to go to have a good sleep.

We were not going to have any more dogs, but we have a Scottie, a live wire of a puppy who is helping us all so much, but you, my beautiful Whiskey, will always have a special place in my heart. You are so loved and so missed always.

Love, Mummy xxx

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