My Beloved Molly

by Carol Ann Young
(Orlando, FL)

Molly, you meant so much to me. I know you were Daddy's dog and when Tom died I thought you would follow him. But you didn't. You gave me your love instead.

You could be a handful and so willful, but in some ways we were a lot alike. I loved to throw your ball and watch you go into "hunt" mode to find it. You had so much fun in the back yard. I hope you realize how much you were loved and how much I miss you.

Even as you got older and had to go out so many times at night,and couldn't hear me, I didn't mind because I felt needed. I miss seeing you when I look up from the bed. Though I have my wonderful grandchildren Tom and Jaimee, you always made me feel so loved when I walked in from work. No matter how bad my day, or how tired I was, you were always joyful to see me.

Thank you my love, for all the years you gave me.



Comments for My Beloved Molly

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Your Beloved Molly
by: Debby

I feel your pain and know that there will be many days that Molly will bless you with a memory of her following you everywhere, the hope that something will drop from the table or the anxiety of going to the vet and her look to you for comfort and everything is going to be ok (a drive through McDonald's also helped).

Carol, there are few times in our lives that we experience unconditional love. That is what our precious pets give to us. Those who have been fortunate to experience this know that there is no greater feeling.

You were a great Mommy to Molly! You are in my thoughts and prayers always.

Bye Molly, you will be missed
by: Cheryl

I am sorry that Molly is gone. I know she had a great life with you and you will miss her. You were a good mommy and she loved you.

Love you.

A Special Love
by: Piano teach

Oh Molly was BLESSED with a wonderful Mommy. You really are one SPECIAL lady my dear. Though your heart is broken now, the love never stops, so that love will heal your heart and let you share it again with someone else who will be BLESSED with you!

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