My Beloved Milo Pursotham

by Rinesh Pursotham
(Durban South Africa)

To my best friend, I can still remember the day you were brought home. You came scampering out from under the sofa and the first thing you did was pee on my shirt, but I cried in joy at seeing you. We were inseparable. You brought this joy into our home.

I remember how you used to wake me up to take you outside to make mess and how you used to bite my fingers when I slept. You had this spunk about you and was so protective of your family as how we were protective of you. I love the times we used to just sit on the bench and I would rub your head and you would turn and look at me with those loving eyes and how you used to fall asleep in my lap, those walks we used to take. How you used to love walking. You were always the talk of the families wherever we went. It was always "How is Milo?"

You are a part of our family and we love you as one of us. You were only 9 years old when you were taken away from us on the 26th October 2011. I miss you so much, my boy. I miss you so much. I love you with all my heart and will wait to be reunited with you again.

You brought us joy and laughter with your antics and your love of life. A piece of me will always be missing until we meet again, my boy. Thank you for the wonderful times you have given me. Every day with you was a blessing and I will cherish it for the rest of my life. You were a part of our family. You were our baby boy and we love you.

Rest In Peace, Milo Pursotham, I love you.

Thank you for the memories.

We will always Love you.
Mummy, Daddy and your brothers Rinesh, Savesh and Nivan

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