My Beloved Bella

by Bella's Mommy
(Delaware County PA)

Bella 8/20/15

Bella 8/20/15

My dearest Bella,

I hope writing this memorial helps me get through this. My heart hurts.

I miss you so much. I know I did the right thing. I couldn't let you go on another day in distress. You know how much I love you, and seeing you in pain was unbearable. Being there, holding you, looking into your loving and trusting eyes, I know I did the right thing. God, but it hurts.

Dr Kwon told me a beautiful tale. In the Buddhist faith, when a soul leaves the body, that soul stays close to their loved ones for 3 days to say goodbye. Tomorrow will be our third day without you. I know you're here to us get through this. I know you're here. I put fresh water in your bowl in case you get thirsty.

He went on to say that on the 49th day after the soul leaves the body (it's called the celebration of the sevens) your soul will be reborn. And on that 49th day we will celebrate your life and the happiness you brought into ours.

Divine intervention brought us together, Bella. You are a part of my heart and soul. I know we'll be together again. Until then.....

There will be no goodbyes. Thank you for all your love....

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