My Beautiful Black Chow

by Juan
(Chicago, IL)

My beautiful black chow chow passed away on 01-02-2012. She had not been her self for many weeks. Walking very slowly, being a picky eater, eventually crying out.

She had a doctor visit and it was determined from x-rays that she had a tumor in her stomach. When I heard this information, I felt an out of body experience. My hands were icy cold.

I will never forget that day we put you to sleep. It felt like a piece of my soul and heart was ripped away. That the world felt smaller, emptier, like a void was ever present. There was a unique bond between us, at times just looking into your hazel eyes I could tell what you needed.

I do believe that all animals have an essence, a spirit. I know that you are in a better place. I will never forget your loyalty and companionship. I feel lucky to have had you in my life.

May you be at rest and joyful in doggy heaven. My ever vigilant, beautiful, ebony chow-chow.

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Another Angel in Heaven
by: Anonymous

I can relate to how you're feeling Juan. I lost my girl CoCo on December 27th, much the same way.

One day she was healthy / happy then suddenly very, very ill. A similiar vet visit and I too was faced with making the most difficult decision one is ever faced with.

I released CoCo's soul to God at 11:30AM 12/27 and life has not been the same ever since.

Take comfort knowing your Chow sits at the side of God watching over Heaven just as my CoCo does.

One day, we will all be re-united with our loving friends and what a joyous day that will be.

God bless.

Ed in Denver

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