My Baby Dolly

by L. Drott

Dolly and Polly

Dolly and Polly

Polly and Dolly weren't always the best of friends from the beginning, considering Polly was the first chihuahua, and the littlest dog I had ever had. But it didn't take long for them to always be side by side, prancing after my feet. I loved them both with all my heart, and even joked about how they were my children, that I was their mom and I gave birth to them!

I had the best gift in life finding Dolly and being able to live, love, laugh, sleep, cuddle and so so so much more with her for a little less than 2 years. Them being females, I wanted to get them spayed in order to keep them healthy in order to have them here with me for as long as possible. The day I dropped them off at the vet was the hardest day. I never left them somewhere strange and unfamiliar without me. I cried on the drive home, and couldn't wait to pick them up.

But when the vet called me early, my heart dropped and my world stopped when the vet said Dolly never woke up from her anesthesia, that her body must have been allergic.

Instant guilt ran over me and to rewind that morning was all I wanted. Bringing home Polly without Dolly that day was the most excruciating pain I have ever felt.

I went in a room and looked at Dolly's lifeless body to say goodbye, thinking this wasn't supposed to be goodbye, I was supposed to be bringing her home to spend years and years with me and Polly.

I still don't know how such loss can ever get better. Coming home to Polly with no Dolly breaks my heart all over again. I am so grateful to have Polly...although I miss Dolly so much, as does Polly. I loved her with all my heart and soul.

My beautiful Dolly, one day does not pass that I don't wish you were here. I'll be wishing every second of ever day that I could just see your face, and have you kiss mine.

Comments for My Baby Dolly

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I understand
by: Anonymous

My boy was taken to the vet with what appeared to be stomach upset. A few hours later I had to say goodbye to my best friend. He had the most severe form of pancreatitis. So I know how you feel. I can't get through the pain, but we will.

For Dolly's MOM
by: Anonymous

I know you are in such pain now. Take care of yourself. Remember all the smiles and laughs. They wait for us!!

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