My Angel Chinnie

by Lorraine
(Bellingham MA)

My Beautiful Girl

My Beautiful Girl

Chinnie, you were my best friend and the love of my life.

I thank you for all you have done for me without even knowing you did it. You always made me so happy with your silly and quirky ways. You were your own being, not doing things to please others. I admired that.

I can't believe you're gone. When you left, a huge part of my heart went with you. You will always be my "bestest most beautiful Girl in the whole wide world."

I will miss you always. When my time comes, I will not be afraid because I know we sill see each other again.

I love you, Chinnie, and I hope I gave you the life you deserved.

Comments for My Angel Chinnie

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1 year
by: Lorraine

One year ago today I lost the love of my life. I miss you, Chinnie, every day. You made my life truly happy with your silly ways. You were my nagel. I will miss you always.

Thank You Sharon
by: Lorraine

Sharon, thank you so much for your kind comments. I hadn't checked here since I entered this. I am sorry for your loss also. The pain is the worst I have ever felt.

Chinnie too got me through some very hard times and I will miss her deeply, forever. It has been 2 months and no sign of her yet. But then again, that was her way. She will visit when she is good and ready.

by: Sharon

I am so sorry for your loss. I know what you are going though. I lost my Carley.

It is so hard because we loved them so much. Carley never judged me as the human race seems to do, she was always happy to see me, even if I left the house for 5 minutes and came back.

I had to give her up to kidney failure and it was one of the hardest decisions I have ever made in my life. She was there for me through a very difficult time in my life. I will always miss her and love her.

I have read that a beloved pet will come back in some form or another. You could catch them out of the corner of your eye dashing by or just feel their presence. About a month ago, I woke up out of a dead sleep and I knew she was there, she always slept with me. The reason they return is to let you know they are OK.

God bless you and keep the memories of Chinnie alive in your heart. We know they will be waiting for us at Heaven's gate. Take care.

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