Milo, Brother and Friend

by Gina Day

Milo, I honestly have no memories of my life before you. My first memory is of the car ride back from Bristol with you in the front with mum.

I still, 7 months later, can't believe you're gone. I cry myself to sleep at night still. I miss you so much, but I hold fast in the belief that one day soon or later in my life, I will see you again.

I hope that you are happy and do not miss us. I can't wait to have you in my arms. We can run and play like we used to.

I know we still have your blanket. I can't look at it yet but one day I will, and cherish it forever. You have been such a big impact on my life. I hope that I have helped you in life as well. Mum and dad miss you a lot to. Even if they don't admit it.

Milo Day 18/7/01 to 16/6/12

I'll see you again Milo. Don't worry. I dream about you and hold you in my heart. Always.

Milo, run fast, run light,
One day soon, I'll be in sight.
I'll see you with your well deserved wings,
And say, that's my dog, and I'm his human.

All my love, now and forever,

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