Milly Morris, My Fluffy Angel

by Sara Morris
(Lancashire, UK )

My bishon frise, my Milly moo,
I miss you so much my heart is broken in two.

You were my best friend, my pal, my comfort. You were there for me when I was in a very dark place. Having you there beside me, cuddling, helped me back to the land of the living more than you can ever imagine. I couldn't have done it without you.

You simply picked me up with your soft snuggles, pushing at my hand, giving me cuddles. All you asked for in return was for me to love you and protect you. Not one demand, no judgement, just friendship and loyalty.

We had some fun adventures, many park walks, picnics, trips in the car. You just fit right in with the family, no trouble or fuss. We had caravan holidays and fun in the woods. I could take you anywhere.

You loved sharing my ice creams and pinching the crisp bag to lick up all the salty crumbs. You were so protective and patient with our son Daniel. For his whole 8 years you were his second mum.

You were Daddy's special girl. You were always wanting special cuddles. He only had a soft spot for you. He looked after you at the end, soothing, stroking, making sure you were at peace.

Nanna and grandad miss you so much too. The house is so quiet without you. Lily Mae keeps looking for her auntie Milly.

Our lives will never be the same again, "Me and you and a dog named Moo."

We say good bye our angel and hope to see you again on the other side. Stay close to me.

I will never ever forget you. You were the best dog we could ever had wished for...

We love you so so much with all our hearts. Keep safe, little one. x

Good night, sweet heart. x

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I Understand Your Pain
by: Ron K

I know exactly what you're going through. My condolences.

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