Melanie Dolores 06/09/2005 - 10/07/2015

by Barbara
(Scranton, Pennsylvania)

My Pretty Girl

My Pretty Girl

I got Melanie from a breeder in Newburgh 10 years ago. She was 1 of 4 puppies to pick from.

My son picked her because she was the one who came, or should I say hopped over, to us first. She was the smallest of the lot.

She also was the only one that didn't have a tail, which is odd for a shih tzu.

She brought much happiness and laughter to our family. Everyone who met her loved her. She was gentle and sweet and loved people.

My son took his little pal everywhere with him, to the store, drive-in movies, park, bike rides. They were truly BFFs.

We love you, Melanie. You will always be at our side and in our hearts. We will meet again someday.

Love Love Love you.

Comments for Melanie Dolores 06/09/2005 - 10/07/2015

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by: Mommy

Still after years you are with me wherever I go and wherever I am. I love you forever and always.

Rest my baby girl. <3

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