Maxx... My Boy

by Jennifer Merrell
(Atlanta, GA)



Hey Doodle,

We miss you so. You were the light to every day. We hope you are having fun up on rainbow bridge, running and playing with Lad, Scooter and Tazington, waiting for us. I know you can see us and get a laugh every day at the silly things we do. Your brother and sister miss you too.

You were the best boy we ever had the honor to know. We miss your big brown eyes and red coat, your stern warnings when we didn't do something the way we should. I wish we had more time with you but know that soon we will be together always. I just can't wait for the day I will run over that hill and see my big red boy smiling at me, running to meet me and tell me what he's been doing and then we will sit in the grass and wait for the others so that we will all finally be together.

We love you so much young man,

Your family
Fred, Jennifer, Matthew, Bugga Bear, Kira and Simba

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Bugga Is With You Now
by: Dad

Your boy passed today and as sad as we are, we are comforted in the knowledge that he is with his big brother now.

Love, Dad, Mom and Boy.

For Maxx's Family
by: connie

Your boy is beautiful. Take care of yourselves. I think you will see him when the time is right.

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