Max, Our Best Friend

by Krystal and Brett Udelhofen
(Decatur, IL)

We are writing this today so everyone knows how special you really were. It's only been two days and my heart is still heavy. We are still missing you like crazy. We still wish when we come home, you would be waiting to greet us like you always do.

We know you are no longer in pain. We know that you are free.

You were the sweetest boy anyone has ever met. You loved like no other, and you were loved by everyone. You always ran around the backyard trying to catch the squirrels. You're truly missed.

The holidays will never be the same without you. You never knew a stranger. I know you started out with a not so great life, but we did what we could to make sure you had a good home, a big place to run, and a family that loves you. You were the best thing that ever happened to us.

Rest easy at the rainbow bridge, Max. Play with all your puppy friends. I hope it’s raining chicken nuggets.

Until we meet again. We love you.

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