Marlee Mooch "The Bubba"

by Kate
(Milton, NSW, Australia)

Marlee Mooch

Marlee Mooch

Marlee was the sweetest puppy. The little bubba was only nine and a half month old. I can't understand why someone took her away from me and her beautiful life and everything she and I had to look forward to. I can't even find the words to describe how much I miss her. I can honestly say that I have never ever been so upset. I feel like my heart has been torn apart.

It's been 19 days since she died and 22 days since I last saw her. I had the house and yard all ready for her to move back in with me . . . if only that snake had stayed in its hole for another five days, my Marlee would still be here.

If only this, if only that. . .

Marlee "Mooch" . . . you had such a wonderful life. . roaming the green paddocks and chasing the horses and the cows, tormenting the cat and licking us all to death. So many memories in such a short few months.

It should have been a much much longer life but for some reason (and I hope I find out one day) you had to leave this world and me and all your friends.

I hope you've found Jed Dog up there somewhere and he's keeping an eye on you. I'm sorry you had to be all alone when it happened but I just hope you know how much I loved you.

I miss our walks on the beach and your big sloppy kisses. I miss running my fingers through your beautiful velvet fur and hearing you snore in your deep slumber. I miss seeing you playing with the ball with Jack and Bella and Buddy. I could go on and on. . .

Life was never ever dull, it was so perfectly complete, with you by my side. I'll remember you always and forever. I just hope you understood that even though I wasn't around much the last few weeks of your life I was always thinking of you and counting down the days until I could see you again.

I'll be forever counting down the days now. . .

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Happy 1st Birthday Bubba
by: Kate

14/12/2009: Marlee, if you were still here, it would be your 1st Birthday today. I'm sorry I can't come and visit you today, but i'll be there on the weekend. Missing you always and forever. . .

22 October 09
by: Kate - Marlee's Mumma

Thank you for your kind words Connie.

I just keep replaying what I think happened over and over in my head. I don't even know what happened. And then I picture her all alone, dead, on the veranda where my brothers found her - probably only half an hour too late.

I didn't even get to say goodbye. No one even told me it had happened until that night after I finished work (they found her early afternoon) as mum didn't want to upset me at work. I could have gotten home in 2.5 hours to say goodbye before they buried her.

It happened on Thursday the 1st October 09. I only had one more sleep before I could see her. I usually spend the weekends at mum and dad's. I'd been working 2.5 hours away during the week and staying with my nan (who wasn't allowed dogs at her house). I'd just found a rental place and was going to move in with Marlee the following week.

But now she's dead. And I let her down. I was too late.

The worst part about the whole sitaution is that we lost our old family dog (11.5 years), Jed, on the 29th of June 09 (only 3.5 months ago). We're quite sure that Marlee and he went for a stroll down the paddocks and he saved her from a snake that day (probably the same one that got Marlee - if it was a snake).

He got bitten and dad and I found him just before he died. He'd managed to make it back to the house (just as Marlee did) and was sitting in his favourite spot. He died on the way to the vet while I held his paw. At least he had a long happy life and wasn't alone when he died. It makes it so much easier to cope with. I was still trying to put Jed to rest. . . and now this! It's cruel.

I keep waiting to dream about Marlee as I did with Jed (it was a beautiful dream and it felt so real it comforted me) but it won't happen. I keep having nightmares about the other dogs in my life. My sister's dog and my other family dogs. They keep getting hit by cars or stolen or something else terrible.

My sister and mum got me another puppy. She's very similar to Marlee. We've called her Tully. . . She's living with my sister at the moment. I'm not sure I was ready to open what's left of my heart to another dog just yet. I love her - she's beautiful, but I think I feel guilt when I play with her and think of her. I know that Marlee would have loved her though. She loved everyone - especially puppies.

For Marlee
by: connie

I guess we never know why things happen. Maybe Marlee was needed to help with another puppy.

My heart is still broken from the loss of my Laddie, but now I try to remember the happy stuff. It makes me smile. He's waiting for me, and he was always more patient than I ever will be.

Take care of you. Marlee wants that.

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