Lucy Girl

by Crystal Welty
(Surprise, AZ, USA)

Today you chose to leave,
Causing many to grieve.
Your golden curly hair,
could be seen from everywhere.
That goofy smile and laughing eyes
kept us thinking, now what is the surprise.
You were a soft and gentle giant.
Something try to hurt your fellow farm animals,
you could become quit defiant.
Very crafty too, barking at the door,
so I answered and my dinner was no more!
You loved your dad, always laying by his side,
protecting the family to the day you died.
Patrolling the farm with your mom,
If something was wrong you became the alarm.
When you greeted friends or family,
your tail and body would wiggle endlessly.
The joy you brought will not be forgotten.
You dad is heart broken.
You mom is devastated.
As you cross the rainbow bridge today.
Today we remember the unconditional love you gave.
Right up to your last day.

Auntie Crystal

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