I Lost My Dearest Friend Emma

by Bruce
(Naugatuck CT)

I lost my best friend Emma this week. She found me 12 years ago, the day after Thanksgiving, so she would have been 13 next month.

I still remember sleeping with her on the livingroom floor for days because she was so afraid of everything and my other dog Amber. After that, we were all inseparable.

Emma was like my second shadow. She would always steal my clothes and sleep with them in her bed. She became my hiking buddy and she became my girlfriend's walking partner.

In January of this year, I had to put down my dog Amber because of cancer. Emma was so sad after that because she lost one of her best friends.

In August, Emma was diagnosed with a tumor on her heart. Over this past weekend she she was having breathing problems so I took her to the vet to get checked out, thinking it might be the tumor. It wasn't the case. Emma developed cancer throughout her lungs.

I spent the last day with her, doing everything she loved to do. We went hiking and spent some time at the beach together alone.

We put her down 2 days ago. I am so sad and can't stop crying because she isn't here. I know that she is in a better place and playing with her other best friend, Amber, chasing each other and rolling around in some field in heaven.

I miss you so, Emma and Amber. We shall meet up again. Until then, I will always have you in my heart and in my memory.

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