Good Night Lucky... Sweet Dreams

by Robert
(Portland, OR)

Her final photo taken 3 hours before her death

Her final photo taken 3 hours before her death

15 years and 2 months ago, I found you in a Dallas dog pound. Your little goatee and underbite melted me. You were only a few weeks old and scheduled to be put to sleep. That's why I named you Lucky.

You were there when I got married.
You were there when I moved to California.
You were there when I got divorced.
You were there when I moved to Oregon.
You were there when I summited various peaks.

15 years, 3 states, 5 jobs, and more relationships than either of us cares to recall.

You have been by my side through some of the best times of my life, and were in my arms during the worst time of my life.

At 8:30 tonight, I rocked my baby girl to sleep while humming Silent Night.

My heart is shattered and it's through a flood of tears that I honor you with this memorial.

Love always,


Comments for Good Night Lucky... Sweet Dreams

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My Heart Breaks for You but You Honored Lucky So Beautifully
by: Anonymous

I just came across your post. Not sure how long ago this happened but I know from many furbabies how painful it is. The loss never heals completely. I have dedicated my life to rescuing animals and there is no love like a love from a pet.

Your post brought tears to my eyes and heart. Our furbabies love us unconditionally like no other. I know someday you will be reunited at the Rainbow Bridge. God bless you and Lucky and thank you for rescuing that precious angel.

xo Jacquie

by: Robert

Thank you - Having lost both of my parents at an early age and close family and friends as I've grown older, I can say that the 'intensity' of this loss ranks up there with the worst.

It's only been three days and I could hardly wait for the weekend so that I could grieve (read: bawl) without the interruption of work.

by: Laura

I am so sorry for your loss. I just recently lost my Murphy Brown after 13 years and it is so hard each day. I feel your pain and will think of you and wish you well.

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