Fluff Two, My Maltese

by Janet

I sure do miss you. I do not have to put my shoes away for fear you will carry one off anymore, or put away the toilet paper rolls which you could carry away and unroll. You would usually do that if you needed to go outside and to get my attention, sometimes just in play to tease me.

For almost eleven years you have slept in my bed and at my feet while I worked on the computer. If I got up to go into another room, you would follow me, until you got sick. Then you had trouble getting up and down stairs, and walking was difficult because of the tumors in your abdomen and neck.

So July 13, 2011, I made a decision for us both to put you out of your discomfort. I miss you and I know I did the right thing for us both. Your eyes actually closed, heart stopped and you went to sleep.


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