Eyes of Love

by Wendy R
(Waltham, MA)

Sleeping April 2009

Sleeping April 2009

Lexie June 1999 - July 2009

I looked in her eyes, and saw her pain and suffering. My heart filled with grief as I watched her life here on earth pass away. Entering my home alone that evening, hearing her little footsteps and waiting for her to greet me when I walk through the door with her unconditional love. There is no greater love and no greater loss than that of your dog.

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RIP Lexie
by: Ilda

I'll always remember Lexie for helping me finish off the ice cream I couldn't. Sorry for your loss Wendy!

by: Mary

I'm so sorry about your dog Lexie. Dogs are the most wonderful creatures.

We lost our first dog at age 3 this month and up until then I had no idea how people suffered this loss. I've lost elderly relatives but losing this dog was so much worse. I never say that out loud unless I'm sure that person has loved and lost a dog.

Lexie was a lucky dog to have so much love and care.

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