Dedicated to My Best Friend Max

by Glen Jones
(Stockport , England)



l wanted to try to put into words how much Max meant to me, our family and friends, but it is so difficult.

Max was our German Shepherd for 14 years. It seems like yesterday we brought home a 6 week old bundle of fluff. Max, you blossomed into the most handsome proud dog anyone one could wish for. You touched so many people's hearts, with your infectious personality and your loving. You were the most gentle dog.

You brought so much joy into our lives. You will be so sadly missed. l felt so guilty having to put you to sleep on Tuesday, but we could not see you suffer any longer.

l hope you rest in peace Max. We will be reunited one day.

Max 9/5/1994 to 17/6/2008 R.I.P Glen and family

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