Dallas, the Tiniest Dog With the Biggest Heart

by Danielle

Only yesterday I lost my teacup chihuahua Dallas in a horrible accident, where I, his mother, accidentally ran him over.

He lived for almost 2 hours on that stormy night, almost reaching the vet.

I'm currently 3 months pregnant and until I found out this, Dallas was the only baby I had in my life. I even told him when the baby came that he'd still be the smallest and would always be mom's little man.

I've never felt this much pain. To say I'm heartbroken is an understatement. I loved that dog like a child. He was only with me for 2 years, 10 months.

I'll never get over this pain. Words cannot describe the connection we had. I couldn't find a flaw in him if I tried. He wasn't yappy, he was gentle to everyone and the biggest sook you could get for a 3 pound dog.

I love Dallas with all my heart and soul and can only hope we meet again because this dog showed me what it's like to give unconditional love.

RIP, mom's angel.

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So Sorry
by: deb brown

Oh my god, darling, you must be devastated.

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