Daisy Doop Zebrzuski

by Sarah

Daisy Doop

Daisy Doop

Our beautiful king charles, Daisy. She came into our life only 3 months after I lost my mum in 2004, and came with so much love.

She would bark at the tv, at any animal that appeared, even a fly. She would jump in the river every time we went to the field. She had a thing for the bathroom bin. We would often find the contents trailing down the stairs.

She snored like an old man and gave the most amazing cuddles ever. She loved the cat's food, in fact anyone's food, and would tell you in her own language what she wanted.

She was fearless and would bark at any dog, even if it was triple her size, but would lick them to death. She was a big softy and loving, gentle and kind. We will always love her.

We were all by her side when she fell asleep peacefully to be with the angels. It was painfully upsetting losing her, but we know we will see her again when our time comes. Till then, she will be close to our hearts.

R.I.P Daisy Doop
We miss you
Zebrzuski Family XXXX

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